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Google Now Promoting Chrome On Facebook!

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010 0 comments

Google now promoting Chrome on Facebook! Google launched its new unique fast browser September 2, 2008. From then on Google was promoting Chrome everywhere – From search to Orkut and every service they provided. Now they have moved one step further in the market by promoting Chrome on Facebook! I was really amazed to see Chrome been sponsored on Facebook sidebar.

 Once you click on the AD, you will see a video featuring Chrome fastness. You can see all the videos here.

You can also follow Google Chrome page on facebook – facebook.com/googlechrome.



Google is able to sum up 409,440 fans till 24th march & still increasing. Google is taking the advantage of Cricket fever & promoting chrome as Google promises that watching IPL online would be more fun on Chrome with more speed! (You can see IPL online on youtube .com/IPL )

Facebook page of google chrome!

I think this is a good move for promoting Chrome as Facebook ranked 1 in terms of traffic for over 1 week defeating Google.  Facebook is today the best platform for business owners to promote their business to over a large amount of people. Facebook has definitely become a great social network in terms of both social networking & promoting business. Social networking today is not only left just to making friends & chatting.

Hope this could be the sign of Google closing orkut which is not a good sign as Google was not giving proper attention in promoting orkut. Orkut could have been more dominating today if google took the right step. And even instead of coming up with Google buzz, they should have worked upon Orkut & should have come up with more unique features.


Since i ended up writing this post the fans count raised to 409,691 fans!


So what’s your opinion regarding this move by Google?

You must also read - 5 Things Google should have done to Save Orkut!

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Social networking Now more fun with Our SocioToolbar!

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Monday, March 22, 2010 0 comments

OrkutKnol toolbar


OrkutKnol Is introducing you to a new way of social networking within toolbar! Today we are introducing our whole new toolbar SocioBarKnol! Actually this is mixed from Social networking. Toolbar & OrkutKnol!

This toolbar comes With integrated Facebook, Mini Orkut & Twitter, Addthis ShareBar, Bit.ly  handy Url shortener & HootSuite Instant share button!



  • OrkutKnol toolbar comes with More of Social Networking, Entertainment like Music (Radio), TV, Games. You also get to know what’s the current temperature! Isn’t it wonderful?

orkutknol toolbar with Handy social links, Entertainment features like Music, games & TV

OrkutKnol toolbar with mini orkut ,twitter and Facebook!


  • This Toolbar comes with an instant Email notifier. Once you setup your account, you can instant alerts once you get any new email.

Email more faster & secure!   you get easily notified about any new email

  • You are more secured as this toolbar does not compromise with your privacy! You can enable/disable Popup blocker […] .


  • This toolbar also comes with Handy links to Orkut & Orkutknol. you can now easily surf Orkut & Orkutknol!

Handy links to Orkut & Orkutknol


  • Now Share More Easily on almost any social network and other sites as this toolbar comes with AddThis sharebar. Now share links across the web more easily than ever! You also get to share links easily via HootSuite!

Addthis sharebar, hootsuit integrated, Bit.ly sidebar!

  • This toolbar also comes with Bit.ly URL shortener, that is you can shorten a link more easily with just a click!
  • You can also personalize this toolbar by adding more applications from the directory (Conduit Applications Directory) which includes Games, Entertainment & much more!


So what are you waiting for just install this toolbar & enjoy the social web!

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WARNING : Facebook Password Reset Confirmation Mail - Malware

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Friday, March 19, 2010 0 comments


Recently Facebook users got caught inside the scoop of the  Hackers. The hackers sent a mail to the users of Facebook telling them that your Facebook password has been changed due to some security reasons and the new password has been attached with the mail. When the user opens that attachment, They get pranked by the hackers and then a software gets installed on your computer which will not only hack your Facebook password, all the passwords & username combinations will get transferred to the hacker. This email claims that it has been sent from Facebook.





This email looks like this :


which has the subject as “Facebook Password Reset Confirmation. Customer Support.”

Though the body of the message looks somewhat straight, But if you open the attachment you will get all your password hacked from your computer. The hackers looks pretty smart.

Facebook said that They don’t send any mail which has any attachment. If they find any security changes to be done in any account, they just send a link & the user has to enter new password there. McAfee has already given this warning, due to the many users being affected.

Facebook updated their status recently as :


You can also read the full status & user’s comments here.

Please note that facebook will never send password reset information as an attachment, they only send a link. So if you receive any mail just delete it. And even alert your friend’s about this virus. To know more about Facebook security got to Facebook.com/security.

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Fantastic Sharebar Bookmarklet by AddThis!

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Monday, March 15, 2010 0 comments


Sharebar is a great site that provide a share widget for blog & website owners. Their widgets contains many famous social site such as Orkut, Facebook, Twitter & many many more plus a print & an email button. Now they have moved forward & now provided a sharebar for the users who share pages much frequently. We can add this sharebar directly to our bookmarks & Click whenever we need to share any page!


This bookmarklet when clicked adds a Bar at the bottom of the page to which you can click on your desired network to share!


Drag the Sharebar (text) onto your bookmarks list to add the button to your browser. No need to install anything!

Here is a screenshot :





For Website Owners

Those website owners who would like to add this awesome sharebar to your site/blog you can add this code :

<script src="http://sharebar.addthiscdn.com/v1/sharebar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<div class="addthis_sharebar_config" style="display:none;">
* username: your AddThis username

An AddThis username is only needed if you want tracking/analytics.


For Chrome Users!

Addthis has also introduced a extension for chrome users. Actually this is not a sharebar.This is a menu like extension. You can download this extension from here. Here is a screenshot :



Hope you like this sharebar. Drop in your comments what's your opinions!

Link : Sharebar!


Charge up for DLF IPL 3! Get IPL updates on Twitter & Orkut!

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010 0 comments

Hey readers as we are heading Towards the starting of DLF IPL season 3, OrkutKnol is here for you to follow their updates on twitter. I have prepared a list on Twitter ! If you want to follow the whole IPL teams, you can follow the list made by me else individual accounts is also given below!

Here is the List

You can also Follow

*Tip : You can also see the full list here & can follow them individually!  
--UPDATE : IPL also have an Official Orkut Community. You can join here. --
So what do you think of this list?  If you any more you can tell that in the comments box below.

Credit : Madras Geek.
And do tell which is your favourite team? Mine is Delhi DareDevils as i am from delhi. What’s yours?

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