Chat Acronyms and their meanings.

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Saturday, January 2, 2010 Leave a Comment

Chat Acronyms and their meanings.

AFAIK as far as I know NFI no f***ing idea
AFK away from keyboard NP no problem
ASAP as soon as possible OMG oh my God
A/S/L age / sex / location OMFG oh my f***ing God
BBIAB be back in a bit OP original poster
BBL be back later PM private message
BBS be back soon ROFL rolling on floor laughing
BRB be right back ROFLMAO rolling on floor laughing my ass off
BTW by the way RTM read the manual
BUMP Used on forums to bring a topic back to the top RTFM read the f***ing manual
FFS for f***'s sake SFW safe for work
FU f*** you STFU shut the f*** up
FWIW for what it's worth TBH to be honest
FYI for your information TC take care
GTFO get the f*** out TIA thanks in advance
GTG got to go TTFN ta ta for now
HB hurry back TTYL talk to you later
H/O hold on TY thankyou
J/K just kidding THX thankyou
IDK i don't know WB welcome back
IIRC if I recall correctly WE whatever
IMO in my opinion W/ with
IMHO in my humble / honest opinion W/O without
IRL in real life WTF what the f***
LMAO laugh my ass off WTH what the hell
LMFAO laugh my f***ing ass off YW you're welcome
LOL laugh out loud

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