Update Your Twitter Account from Orkut via TwitKut!
Yes guys you heard it right. You can now update your Twitter status with being active onto orkut! Ankit Ahuja sometime back introduced a new application to orkut with the help of which you can update your Twitter account with the help of orkut without even logging into orkut!
With Twitkut you can even see friends tweets. But friends here refer to only the people who are using twitkut application. But still you can tweet from this application.
But one drawback is you cannot update your orkut status with the help of Twitkut. Though you can visit the application page & post the recent tweet to your updates. But your status update will not get changed with the help of Twitkut. You need to manually do it.
Link to Application – TwitKut!
So what’s your opinion regarding this application? & Do follow us @Orkutknol .
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